G-dog speaks

Thursday, December 15, 2005

No really, I'm alive

I think, THINK, i have come out of the depths of hell. Maybe not until after the show is over this weekend. I have barely responded to any emails, I haven't done any xmas shopping (Pigpen is WONDERFUL for his help with that) and I haven't eaten a healthy meal in ages. Dec 29 is D-day-when i get to turn over this other part time job I've been doing back to the lovely woman who forced me into doing this by having a baby. I'm bitter, have you noticed? Now I can finally do Sudoku again, catch up on work for my REAL job and pay attention to Pigpen. I'm really ready to enjoy the xmas season. Funny how I haven't been able to.

I'm sooo sleepy and sooo not feeling good. Too bad our second weekend of shows starts again tomorrow night! Better get my ass in gear.


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